"Aggressive deinstitutionalization has caused more harm than good -- people with mental illness now make up a good part of the population in this nation's prisons and jails and on the streets. There is a lot at stake for past and present proponents of community integration -- not least, the risk of losing future funding. But, as the author points out, where is our concern for the individual in this debate? While wholesale institutionalization was never the right answer, nor is the current lack of access to necessary supports."At the most recent general membership meeting of the Parent Hospital Association, attendees were fortunate to hear a presentation from a very knowledgeable and passionate advocate for disability rights, Tamie Hopp. Hopp is the Director of Government Relations and Advocacy for VOR and spoke about the history and future of deinstitutionalization of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD).
Watch for your copy of the next Gazette for a transcript of Hopp's remarks at the meeting. They will be included in the minutes. In the meantime, for more information about the trends surrounding institutional-based supports and access -- and the impacts on those needing services both in institutional settings and in the community -- there is the following article available, also by Tamie Hopp.
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Tamie Hopp (VOR.net) |
See also:
North Bay Regional Center Moving Ahead with Community Placement of SDC Resident, on the PHA blog (Oct. 7, 2014)
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