Thursday, June 28, 2012

Budget and health services news from Sacramento and D.C.

If you ever wished you had an ear on the ground in Sacramento but didn't know just how to accomplish that, you need to know about the California Disability Community Action Network (CDCAN). The disability community does have an ear (and a heart) on the ground in the capitol - Marty Omoto. You can sign up to receive the network's updates by email or check in to their website for the latest news.

Updates from CDCAN have been pouring in the last few weeks as the California legislature approached the deadline for passing this year's budget. Lobbying over various trailer bills seems to have been intense as groups scrambled to maintain funding for vital services in these tough economic times.

Yesterday CDCAN reported that Governor Brown had signed the main budget bill and today followed up with a report that he had made his line item vetoes. Although impact to Health & Human Services seems to have been largely avoided, CDCAN highlighted the following items:
  • Additional $15 Million Cut to Early Mental Health Initiative
  • $4.7 Million Reduction in IHSS Administration Funding
  • Reduction Impacting Quarterly Reporting Requirements on Hiring Plan Related to Court Monitoring of State Hospitals Under federal Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act
In other news, CDCAN announced what you may have already seen reported elsewhere, and that is that the U.S. Supreme Court has upheld as constitutional most of the healthcare reform act. Good news for the Obama administration and everyone who will benefit from the changes already being made to how healthcare is administered here in the states.

So those are the main headlines. What the new budget in California really means for the disabled community will become more clear in the coming weeks. Stay tuned to CDCAN updates for the latest information.


PHA news:
The latest issue of The Eldridge Gazette is in the mail. You may have already received your copy by email or post. If not, you can download a copy by clicking....

And a reminder that there will be NO general membership meeting in July. Next time we get together will be September 8. Enjoy your summers everyone!

Monday, June 18, 2012

June news from Sonoma Developmental Center

from Kathleen Miller, PHA President 

Sonoma Developmental Center is currently undergoing an extended licensing survey. Concurrent to this survey our Clinical Director Dawn Percy appears to have been replaced by an individual from DDS. This new interim Clinical Director is Glenda Penny and she is unfamiliar to most staff and family members.

Dawn Percy has worked in developmental centers and finally at Sonoma for many years. She is liked and respected by families and staff and residents. I do not know the reasons behind this change as when PHA members asked we were given a “no comment” response. What I do know is that she will be sorely missed in her role as Clinical Director.

The ICF survey team is doing a long and very in depth review of Sonoma and seems to be focusing on issues around client protection. As family you are free to contact the licensing team and share any issues or concerns you might have. If you call the general number at SDC (which is 938-6000) and ask for quality assurance they should be able to assist you in setting up a meeting with the licensing team. As family members we welcome the licensing team to Sonoma and appreciate the role they play in assuring our loved ones are safe and well cared for.

There is some good news on the Sonoma front. The Executive Director Karen Clark has assured the PHA Board that despite cuts in SCOE funding actual services will not be cut! In this climate of budget cuts we appreciate this commitment to Sonoma’s residents.  Without any elimination of services there is no need to be concerned that NF residents won’t continue to receive the same active programming that they currently receive.

Remember to check in on our website the latest news. Even the Gazette can’t always keep up with the fast pace of current changes.  Checking in at is the best way to keep informed of the latest news.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Federal judge OKs DOJ settlement in Virginia disability services case

In a hearing this past Friday a federal judge said he would approve a $2 billion settlement between the Commonwealth of Virginia and the U.S. Justice Department designed to expand community-based services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

But before Judge John A. Gibney enters the agreement into the court record, he wants a provision added that would give residents of state institutions the option to remain in a state-run facility.

Gibney's closing statement came after nearly five hours of testimony from experts and from relatives of people with disabilities living successfully in the community, as well as relatives of people who've resided much of their lives in large, state institutions or training centers. the full report at Federal judge OKs DOJ settlement on


For more background on the case, see News from Virginia: Department of Justice defends Va. institutions settlement on this blog.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Possible elimination of NF classes - know the fair hearing policy

ALERT: Funding for Sonoma County (SCOE) classes is being eliminated effective the end of July 2012.

Every NF client benefits from attending a SCOE class on a daily basis. This cut has the potential to affect half of the population of SDC - all NF clients! It is important to know that this cut does not come because of SDC staff or even DDS, but the governor's office. SDC will seek funding to restore at least some of the programs for these vulnerable residents.

The policy referenced below is from Sonoma Developmetal Center and discusses how changes to the residents' programs need to be handled. Please take a moment to review and please ask your social worker to follow it if there are changes (reductions) to your family member's program. Remember ALL NF RESIDENTS ARE AT RISK OF HAVING THEIR PROGRAMS REDUCED OR ELIMINATED. You are their advocate and their voice. If there are decisions made that produce negative impacts, applying for a Fair Hearing is not only your right but your responsibility.
Please know that PHA is here to assist you in any way we can.


Download a copy of the SDC policy affecting changes to client services at the link below: (pdf file)
SONOMA DEVELOPMENTAL CENTER, Administrative Directive, SECTION 400 CLIENT SERVICES Fair Hearing & Change of Service Notification Policy
(Effective September 2008)

[We will improve file quality and decrease its size when possible.]
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